A New Financial Year - A Newsletter

For those of you who have visited my blog page over the past year, you would have noticed that my productivity here slowed and then stopped over the course of the pandemic. It wasn’t that I wasn’t writing. I was. I was trying to write regularly as new cases came up. But, between lockdown, home schooling and my other commitments, those updates ended up be pushed to the back-burner and then were no longer topical or novel.

With the new financial year, I am determined to write more. So, I need an incentive and a deadline for focus. I also want to alleviate the pressure of having to respond to events with a novel take as they came up. The answer, I think, is a monthly newsletter focused on insurance law.

My aim is to send out my newsletter on the first Monday of each month. At the start, I am likely to play around with the newsletter’s form a bit. However, my intention is to provide a short commentary, followed by a couple of brief summaries of interesting cases relevant to the practice of insurance law in Australia.

The newsletter will be free but there is an incentive to subscribe (assuming you think my insight is an incentive). Subscribers will get the newsletter in their inbox on it’s release date. If you don’t want to subscribe, you will be able to read it here but not until the middle of the relevant month.

As I said, I will be playing with the newsletter’s content as it starts, so I would love any feedback on what works, what doesn’t or any suggestions on topics.

If any of this sounds attractive to you, please fill out the form below. Subscribers will also get a monthly email containing a summary of any other updates I post here.


All Class Insurance Brokers v Chubb Insurance Australia


Courts and Covid-19: Are parties entitled to see the whites of the Court's eyes?